Jun 11, 2024

Snitcher’s Guide for B2B Lead Generation

Mastering the art of converting prospects into profit

Snitcher’s Guide for B2B Lead Generation

Imagine walking into a massive library filled with thousands of books. You're tasked with finding a specific book, but there's a catch - you have no idea what the title or who the author is. Sounds like a challenge, right? Well, this is what it can feel like for businesses when it comes to generating high-quality B2B leads.

If lead generation was easy, every business would be successful. And we all know that’s not the case. In reality, finding the right leads is one of the biggest difficulties that businesses face when it comes to growth and success. 

But don't worry, in this guide, we'll show you how to navigate through this massive library - and find the book you’re looking for!

Understanding the importance and difficulty of B2B lead generation

B2B lead generation is the cornerstone of any successful business-to-business sales and marketing strategy. 

B2B lead generation involves identifying, attracting and nurturing potential customers who are interested in your product or service. It also involves collecting their information, and using that data to customize your sales pitch or advertising campaign.

But B2B lead generation is a different ball game compared to business-to-consumer (B2C) lead generation. While B2C companies often rely on traditional advertising, B2B companies find leads in different places. Lead sources that have been proven to be successful for B2B companies are for example: LinkedIn, Email marketing, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but also offline sources like referrals and partnerships.

Offline sources can include attending conferences or trade shows, participating in industry events and networking with other professionals in your field. These events provide an opportunity to connect with potential customers face-to-face, establish relationships, and generate leads. 

So, if you're still trying to find potential customers with the same strategies as a B2C company, it's time to pivot your approach. With the right tools and tactics, you can tap into the power of B2B lead generation and take your business to the next level.🚀

Who’s the perfect B 2 your B?

Defining your ideal customer profile (ICP)

Let’s go back to that massive imaginary library. Because before we start looking for that very specific book (read: your high quality leads). We need to know the title and author of the book (read: what businesses can qualify as high quality lead). 📚

In B2B lead generation, it's not just about finding any customer - it's about finding leads that will actually convert to customers. And that's where the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) comes in.

Defining your ICP is crucial for successful B2B lead generation. It helps you identify the specific characteristics of your target customer and allows you to tailor your marketing and sales efforts accordingly. This targeted approach can result in increased conversion rates, decreased cost of acquisition, faster deal cycles, improved retention, and more by being able to deliver relevant messages at scale and deal with similar customers facing similar problems at scale.

Next to that, it can also help you establish which metrics to track in for instance Google Analytics. By focusing on the characteristics of your ICP, you can track metrics such as conversion rates, cost of acquisition, deal cycle time and retention rates. This allows you to optimize your B2B lead generation strategy for maximum impact. 

Where can you find your ICP?

It all starts with analyzing your existing customer base and identifying the characteristics your best customers have in common. This could include factors such as company size, industry, geographic location and the technologies they use.

Once you have a clear picture of the types of companies you would like to win more, you can start with trying to understand the buyer personas behind them. This includes the pain points they face, the goals they are trying to achieve, the challenges they are facing, the budget they have available and the decision-making process they use. By gathering this information, you can create a detailed picture of your ideal customer and use it as a guide for your B2B lead generation efforts.

Examples of ICPs can vary widely depending on the industry and the specific product or service being offered. For example, a software company might target mid-sized businesses in the healthcare industry with a need for streamlined patient data management. 

Or a marketing agency that specializes in fashion and apparel might target small to medium-sized e-commerce stores with 10 to a 100 employees using Shopify as their e-commerce platform. By identifying this specific ICP, the agency can deliver relevant personalized messaging, ads, and marketing strategies that speak directly to the pain points and needs of these potential customers.

Attract the Leads with your Magnet

We’re back in the library and we finally know the title and author of the book (read: our ideal customer is defined). You would think that the next step would be to start walking the isles searching for it. But what if we told you that a very friendly librarian can get the book and bring it to you? 📖

At this point you know everything about your ideal customers. But how can you get them to notice you? By giving them something they can't resist - a Lead Magnet.

A lead magnet is an irresistible offer that your ideal customers can't say no to. It could be an e-book, white paper, webinar, free trial, or any other valuable content that your target audience is interested in. 

But why do you need one?

The answer is simple: lead magnets are the key to unlocking a flood of new leads for your B2B business. They offer a powerful incentive for potential customers to give you their contact information, and they can help you build a loyal following of interested prospects who are primed and ready to become your next customers.

While lead magnets can be a powerful tool in B2B lead generation, it's important to note that gating content behind a form can sometimes be a barrier for potential customers. It's important to strike a balance between demand generation and lead generation by offering valuable content upfront that doesn't require any commitment from the user. This could include blog posts, videos, or other forms of content that showcase your expertise and offer insights that your target audience will find useful. By providing a mix of both ungated and gated content, you can build trust with potential customers and increase the likelihood that they will convert into qualified leads.

Effective Lead Magnets

  • Free trial or demo of your product or service, so potential customers can experience the value you offer firsthand
  • Comprehensive e-books or white papers that provides a solution to a common problem in your industry
  • Detailed webinars or video tutorials that offers in-depth knowledge or training on a specific topic
  • Checklists, templates, or tools that help your target audience to simplify a complex task or process
  • Exclusive access to a community or forum where your target audience can network and learn from each other

See what we did there? 👀

Best practices for your Lead Magnet

  • Make sure your lead magnet is relevant and valuable to your target audience
  • Use a clear, compelling headline and call-to-action to encourage sign-ups
  • Keep the sign-up process simple and easy to complete
  • Promote your lead magnet on your website, social media, email campaigns, and other marketing channels
  • Measure and analyze the performance of your lead magnet to continually improve and optimize it for better results


Example: If you're a B2B cybersecurity company, don't just offer a generic "Guide to Cybersecurity". Instead, provide a personalized resource like "10 Cybersecurity Measures for Healthcare Providers" – this targets your specific audience, showing an understanding of their unique needs.

What happens after leads are generated?

After the generating process of leads, the next step is to prioritize them and focus on the ones that are most likely to convert into customers. This is where lead scoring comes in. Lead scoring is a process of assigning a score to each lead based on their behavior and engagement with your brand.

By tracking their interactions with your website, emails, and other marketing channels, you can determine which leads are the most engaged and have the highest potential to become customers.

So how does it work?

Lead scoring can be done manually or through automation tools that use algorithms to calculate a lead’s score based on predefined criteria. The criteria could include factors such as job title, company size, website activity and email opens and clicks.

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After lead scoring comes lead nurturing

After lead scoring, it's important to have a lead nurturing strategy in place. Lead nurturing involves providing valuable content and personalized communication to leads at different stages of the buying process.

The goal of lead nurturing is to build trust and credibility with your leads, by providing them with relevant information that addresses their pain points and challenges. By nurturing your leads and providing them with valuable resources, you can increase the likelihood of them becoming customers in the future.

There are different approaches to lead nurturing, depending on the type of business and industry. Some examples include email campaigns, webinars, whitepapers, and personalized demos.

The key is to provide value at every stage of the buyer's journey, and to use marketing automation tools to deliver personalized content and communication to your leads. This can help you stay top-of-mind and build a strong relationship with your leads over time.

These are the best Lead Generation Strategies

While lead magnets can be an effective way to attract potential customers and collect contact information, the truth is that simply deploying them won't necessarily result in a flood of high-quality leads. In fact, many businesses find that they struggle to generate leads even after implementing lead magnets and other basic strategies.

So, what's the solution?

It's important to understand that lead generation is a complex process that requires a strategic approach and a variety of tactics.

Let’s explore some of the most effective lead generation strategies that you can use to attract and convert leads, and ultimately drive growth and success.

1. Targeting long-tail keywords for quality leads (SEO)

By targeting long-tail keywords, you can optimize your website's content for more specific searches. This can increase the quality of your leads since people searching for more specific terms are usually more interested in what you have to offer.

Let's pretend...


You run a B2B company that offers IT consulting services to small businesses

Instead of targeting broad keywords like "IT services," you can target long-tail keywords like "cloud migration for small businesses" or "IT security consulting for startups." By doing this, you're attracting potential clients who are specifically looking for services that match your offerings, increasing the likelihood that they will contact you for more information and potentially become clients.

2. Email marketing: The power of the inbox

Email marketing can be an incredibly effective way to generate leads if done correctly. Building an email list of people who have opted in to receive communications from you allows you to send targeted messages straight to their inbox. 

To make the most of email marketing, focus on providing value in your messages and segmenting your list to send more relevant content to specific groups. Also, be sure to follow best practices like using a clear subject line and including a clear call-to-action.

Let's pretend...


You run a marketing agency that specializes in helping B2B software companies improve their lead generation efforts

To generate leads through email marketing, you can offer a free whitepaper or case study that addresses common pain points for B2B software companies.

Effective Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) development is critical to ensuring that your email marketing efforts are reaching the right audience. By identifying the characteristics of your ideal customer and using that to guide your email list segmentation, you can tailor your messages to resonate with your target audience and increase the likelihood of conversions.

You can create a landing page to promote the offer and use social media, LinkedIn, and other channels to drive traffic to the page. It's important to keep your domain reputation in mind when sending email campaigns. Sending too many emails at once, using spam trigger words, or not segmenting your list properly can result in low deliverability rates or even being blacklisted by email providers.

Once people opt-in and provide their email address to access the content, you can add them to your email list and send targeted messages that address their pain points and offer solutions. If you segment this list based on company size, you can send different messages to startups versus enterprise companies. By providing valuable content and targeting specific segments of your list, you can establish yourself as an expert in B2B lead generation. This will increase the likelihood that prospects will consider your agency for their lead generation needs.

3. Turn social media followers/connections into customers

Social media platforms offer a wealth of opportunities for lead generation. By building a strong presence on platforms where your target audience spends time, you can engage with them and build trust over time.

LinkedIn is a prime social media platform for B2B lead generation. With over 900 million professionals on the platform, businesses can build a strong presence by sharing valuable content, engaging with their target audience, and building trust over time. By consistently providing relevant and informative content, businesses can turn their LinkedIn followers into potential customers who are more likely to engage with their brand and consider their products or services.

Let's pretend...


You run a B2B software company that specializes in project management tools for remote teams

Instead of just posting generic content on LinkedIn, you can create and share valuable insights that your team has gathered through working with customers to improve their project management processes. Examples might include statistics on best and worst practices, actionable tips that companies can quickly implement without your tool that summarize and link back to extensive e-books or webinars.

By engaging with your followers through comments and direct messages, you can build a community of professionals interested in your products. This can lead to potential customers who trust your expertise and are more likely to consider your project management tools for their remote team needs.

4. Referral Program: Get your customers to do the work for you

A referral program is a powerful way to leverage your existing customers to generate new leads. By incentivizing your customers to refer their friends and family to your business, you can tap into their networks and reach new audiences. To make your referral program effective, offer a reward that's valuable enough to incentivize action, and make it easy for your customers to refer others, such as by providing a shareable link or social media post.

To take your referral program to the next level, consider implementing additional tactics such as conducting an NPS (Net Promoter Score) survey to identify your most satisfied customers. Once you've identified these customers, you can reach out to them directly and ask for referrals. This personal approach can be more effective than a general referral program, as it shows that you value their opinion and trust their judgment. Additionally, you can use customer feedback from the NPS survey to improve your products or services, which can in turn lead to even more satisfied customers who are willing to refer others to your business.

Let's pretend...


You run a B2B software company that provides project management solutions for small businesses

To generate more leads, you can implement a referral program that incentivizes your current customers to refer other small businesses to your company.

You could offer a discount on their next month's subscription for every successful referral they make, or perhaps a free month's subscription for every three referrals. To make it easy for customers to refer others, you could provide them with a unique referral link or a pre-written social media post that they can easily share with their network.

5. Deliver a tailored experience for every visitor

Personalization involves tailoring your website or marketing messages and content to the specific interests, firmographic data, or needs of each visitor. One way to do this is through dynamic pages, which change based on the visitor's behavior or information you have about them such as company data. The goal of personalization is to capture visitors' attention for longer by ensuring they find content that relates to them and the problems they may be trying to solve.

For example, you could create a dynamic landing page that changes its messaging based on the type of company the visitor works for, along with their location or referral source. This can help increase conversions by showing visitors the most relevant content without them needing to search for it. Dynamic pages can also be used to offer personalized recommendations or promotions based on the visitor's past behavior or preferences.

By utilizing personalization, businesses can provide a more personalized experience for their visitors, which can lead to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

Let's pretend...


You run a financial consulting firm that provides services to both small businesses and large corporations

By delivering a tailored experience for every visitor, you can increase the chances of converting potential clients into actual customers.

For example, you could create different landing pages based on the visitor's industry or company size. A small business owner looking for financial advice would see a landing page with messaging that speaks to their unique challenges and needs, while a CFO of a large corporation would see a page with messaging tailored to their specific concerns and priorities.

Next to that the companies that visit the website will be linked to applicable case studies that highlight how you have helped similar companies.

6. Put advertising budget into buyers, not browsers

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising involves placing ads on search engines or other platforms and paying only when someone clicks on them. This can be an effective way to reach new audiences quickly, but it can also be costly if not done correctly. To make the most of PPC advertising, research your target audience and keywords thoroughly, create compelling ad copy, and continually test and optimize your campaigns for better results.

Let's pretend...


You run a B2B company that sells software for project management wants to increase their customer base

Instead of targeting broad keywords like "project management software," they conduct thorough research and find that their ideal customers are mid-sized construction companies in the US.

They then create a PPC campaign targeted at those specific companies and use keywords like "construction project management software" and "mid-sized construction company management tools." They create compelling ad copy that speaks directly to the pain points and needs of their target audience.

As a result, they see an increase in click-through rates and conversions. By putting their advertising budget into their specific target buyers, rather than casting a wide net, they are able to get more qualified leads and ultimately increase their sales.

Measure, analyze and optimize

Last but definitely not least! Measuring, analyzing and optimizing every aspect of the used B2B lead generation strategies. By tracking key metrics and using data to optimize your strategy, you can ensure that you are generating high-quality leads and maximizing your ROI.

Key metrics to measure B2B Lead Generation

There are several key metrics that you should track to measure the success of your B2B lead generation efforts. These include:

  1. Conversion rates: This measures the percentage of visitors to your website who take a desired action, such as filling out a form or subscribing to your newsletter.
  2. Cost per lead: This measures the cost of acquiring a single lead through your various marketing channels.
  3. Lead quality: This measures the effectiveness of your lead qualification process and the overall quality of the leads you are generating.
  4. Customer acquisition cost (CAC): This measures the total cost of acquiring a new customer, including all marketing and sales expenses.
  5. Return on investment (ROI): This measures the overall effectiveness of your lead generation strategy by comparing the revenue generated from your marketing efforts to the cost of those efforts. 

How to use data to optimize your lead generation strategy?

  1. Identify the sources that are generating the highest-quality leads and focus your efforts on those sources.
  2. Use A/B testing to optimize your website and landing pages for conversion rates.
  3. Continuously monitor your cost per lead and adjust your marketing channels and tactics as necessary to reduce costs.
  4. Use lead scoring to prioritize your leads and focus your sales efforts on the most promising prospects.
  5. Analyze your data to identify trends and opportunities for improvement in your overall lead generation strategy.

By measuring and analyzing your B2B lead generation efforts and using data to optimize your strategy, you can ensure that you are generating high-quality leads and maximizing your ROI. With the right tools and approach, you can take your lead generation efforts to the next level and drive long-term growth for your business.

Key takeaways

  • B2B lead generation is identifying and nurturing potential customers interested in your product or service and using their data to customize your sales pitch or advertising campaign.
  • Defining your ideal customer profile (ICP) is crucial for successful B2B lead generation, as it helps identify the specific characteristics of your target customer and tailor marketing and sales efforts accordingly.
  • A lead magnet is an irresistible offer that your ideal customers can't say no to and can be an e-book, white paper, webinar, free trial, or any other valuable content your target audience is interested in. But! It's important to strike a balance between demand generation and lead generation by offering valuable content upfront that doesn't require any commitment from the user. 
  • Best practices for a lead magnet include making it relevant and valuable, solving a problem, providing a solution, being easy to access, and delivering on your promise.
  • Lead sources proven to be successful for B2B companies are SEO, email marketing, social media, referral programs, delivering a tailored experience, and targeting long-tail keywords.
  • Measuring, analyzing, and optimizing your lead generation efforts are crucial to ensure continued success in generating high-quality B2B leads.
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