Customer Stories

How TalentDesk won a high value client within 30 days of using Snitcher

TalentDesk wins a high-value client within 30 days of starting with Snitcher, fueling their marketing strategies and sales processes to effectively target and convert leads previously overlooked in their digital campaigns and sales processes.

How TalentDesk won a high value client within 30 days of using Snitcher
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Company Overview

TalentDesk is an all-in-one Freelancer Management System enabling companies to efficiently organize, manage and pay their flexible workforce. With a purpose-built solution for companies reliant on an external workforce of contractors and freelancers, TalentDesks clients range from startups all the way to enterprise businesses with thousands of freelancers.

The teams target market is industry and size agnostic, although they have seen particular uptake from businesses in the e-learning, marketing and advertising, online media / publishing, consulting and the tech space.

In terms of buyer persona, TalentDesk serves Operations and Finance team leaders, as they directly experience the pain of organizing, managing and paying freelance workforces.

As a key player in a niche space, most customer acquisition has been through inbound marketing (paid search, content strategies and word-of-mouth). The team has also made use of software referral listing websites that help put them in front of active buyers.

As the company grew they knew they needed to start focusing more on outbound strategies that would enable them to acquire customers outside of the in market and aware audiences currently being targeted. So Snitcher was brought in to streamline the two strategies.


Before Snitcher, TalentDesk had a visibility problem. Unless a lead converted (filled in a form or requested a demo) to an MQL, they had no way of assessing the quality of traffic that was being driven driving to our website from marketing efforts.

To summarize the effects of the visibility problem, TalentDesk had no access to:

Industry info: without an “industry” split of website traffic, the team wasn’t aware a lot of traffic was coming from non-ICP industries resulting in media budget going to waste. By gaining access to this information it became possible to make exclusions on our audience targeting and refine marketing programs to decrease CPA’s.

Campaign-level info: the team could not assess which search or awareness campaigns were driving quality traffic, unless the traffic converted. This meant needing to spend more budget on programs while waiting for conversion to roll in without knowing if they were going to generate good results.

Outbound traffic: before Snitcher Inbound & Outbound campaigns were disconnected, meaning they did not have visibility on what traffic was generated by outbound messaging and could not effectively support each other.

Conversion rates: many good fit prospects went by unnoticed and the team had no way of knowing who they were without a conversion. Through Snitcher, the sales team could proactively reach out to warm ICP leads that had not yet converted driving up conversion rates.

Why Snitcher

TalentDesk was looking for a solution that would allow them to make better use of their sales capacity as they often saw some seasonality in inbound marketing programs. The goal was to supply the sales team with a consistent flow of high quality leads. Doing so would require access to website intent data in addition to the intent data TalentDesk received from external referral platforms such as G2.

The team also knew it was important to find a tool that would provide them with a more insightful way of assessing what types of companies their marketing dollars were driving to the website. Plus make it possible to use exclusions and audiences based on qualitative info such as industry and size to ensure they were getting as much bang from their marketing buck as possible.

After assessing the leading provider is the market, Snitcher best ticked all of the boxes the team required.

“What we also loved about Snitcher was that they are a small team and we felt we’d be getting the support we needed” Stefani T. VP Marketing

Implementation Process

Setting up Snitcher was straightforward and as the product was continuously updated and new new features were, it was important TalentDesk to often hop on a call with the Snitcher team. So they could address any questions and discuss additional ways of getting the most from the platform and data.

As Hubspot users, an important component within the implementation journey was connecting Snitcher with Hubspot. Enabling the team to easily send data between the two platforms, making it possible to power workflows and automations both with HubSpot and Snitcher using the combined data. This lead to easily surfacing opportunities on both new and existing leads.

From a marketing standpoint, it was simple to use Segments and filter in on specific campaigns or sources to check traffic quality and optimise programs to reduce CPA’s by driving less irrelevant traffic. The analytics page in Snitcher also proved handy for getting a quick overview of traffic quality that could then be further investigated using the Segments.

A key feature for the sales reps was the ability to import account lists into Snitcher and track them in combination with configuring triggers to notify the team when any of the companies came back to the website. This also made it possible to better leverage the G2 intent data TalentDesk purchased by spotting high intent accounts that also visited the website.

Solutions and Benefits

Since starting to use Snitcher, the marketing team has refined their targeting to attract a bigger % of ICP while reducing wasted spend on poor quality traffic. It’s difficult to quantify the value Snitcher has brought to the table through providing the insights to optimise programs and create exclusions audiences using industries that team knew were a bad fit. As a result TalentDesk is seeing less bad quality traffic on their website and improved marketing metrics across the board.

A big win initial win for the team from the sales attributed to Snitcher was when a company was spotted on the site that they knew was already a client of one of TalentDesks main competitors as they were often cited in their case studies. The team reached out to find out if they were unhappy with that platform and surely enough they were. Making it easy to bring them over to TalentDesk within 30 days of identifying them. This served as a big win and validation for the sales team to continue using Snitcher to fuel the sales process.


‘’From a Marketing standpoint, acquiring new leads is great, but sometimes existing leads that you’ve already spent marketing and sales dollars on, are the real gold-mine. Having a solution that allows you to nurture and convert these leads into customers is a game-changer.’’ Stefani T. VP Marketing